About Sasha-Louise

Let the magic begin

Let me guess…

As a child, you felt ‘different’ somehow. You tried to fit in with the other kids, and sometimes it felt like you were becoming part of the ‘crew’ but mostly you felt like an outsider, a fraud waiting to get caught. The other kids will realise there’s an intruder any moment now. The playfulness and excitement you used to feel turned into fear and anxiety.

This feeling continued into your teenage years, and you slowly but surely developed methods that would keep you safe from being found out - being overly nice to people so that they would talk to you a little longer, hiding the fun, quirky and expressive side of you that wasn’t ‘cool’ and didn’t fit the current trend, judging yourself harder than anyone else ever could.

You faked your way in long enough to be accepted behind enemy lines, hung out with some of the popular girls, and even caught the eye of the boys, but this was where you observed the primal to-ing and fro-ing of how to keep the boys’ attention and it wasn't all it was cracked up to be; you often went along with things you didn’t enjoy, and forgot how to say “no, thanks”.

Manifesting the life of Sasha's dreams

The agonising pattern continued into your late teens and early womanhood; your first job was as a dog’s body of sorts, even though you were one of the most intelligent people in the room. The sleazy senior staff looked at you is if you were their prey and so you found ways to survive this jungle too. Working extra late to impress the bosses, joining the heavy drinking culture of the hip corporate office, and found that the more ‘effort’ you put into ‘work hard, play hard’, the better chance you had of getting ahead at work.

Did you even like the job? Probably not.

Divine karma living her dream life

But over the years, before you had even realised it was happening, your spirit had been dampened by the incessant voice in your head that was telling you that your authentic self was not enough. She people-pleased and played the supporting role all the way to where she is now. Being met with toxic friendships, shitty boyfriends, and unfulfilling jobs all along the way. What chance did you have really in these environments?

The constant stifling of your joy and zest for life. It’s no wonder you considered ending it all at times. You can’t recall your favourite anything, you have lost touch with your passion and purpose, and creative expression? What’s that?

Sasha-Louise Forde, owner, Divine Karma

You hide the scars well, for fear of standing out from the crowd and disappointing the ‘fun’ people but with each forced smile, and agreeable sacrifice, the wounds deepen and you wear a little more frail. No one can tell. You’ve been this way for so long, they don’t know any different. It's not even their fault, and it's certainly not yours, but somehow, somewhere you misplaced her - the divinely powerful goddess within you. The smart girl, the creative girl, the commanding enchantress. Where is she? Who is she? Will she return? When will the main character energy emerge?

There is a divinely powerful goddess within you.

The smart girl, the creative girl, the commanding enchantress. Where is she? Who is she? Will she return? When will the main character energy emerge?

That ever-growing pounding of your heart and heaviness in the pit of your stomach tells you she is waiting in the shadows, ready to be called upon. Like an elegant black panther waiting to pounce. She is still there and WE will get her back.

Stop feeling like LESS and start knowing you are worthy of MORE.

She will be unleashed and set you free from the invisible shackles that have caused you so much discomfort. Decades in the making, she has been bubbling and brewing under the surface and she is so ready to come out and play. She was the one protecting you during all those rough times, imagine the magic she could create if you let her join us up here in the sun.

Because this was me.

By this point, you may be thinking, “how does Sasha know this, is she psychic?”

Notice how I say “was”? After years of pretending, and behaving like a victim, I heard her calling me and I answered. The Divine wings emerged and she flew out of the hole I kept her in. She joined me and became the hero of the story. She asked me what I truly want for once. At first I was afraid, and unsure and it got sour before it got sweeter. But, Damn, did it taste sweet when it finally happened?!

All the bullshit I had put up with, the times I had played a supporting role when I was destined to be the star of the show, the memories I had suppressed and what I had pretended not to see because I was fearful of speaking up and clarifying my boundaries.

You have to dig deep to remind yourself who you were, who you are and who you can be.

Yoga class by sunset

It started, ironically by hopping onto a ‘trend’. Despite the shockingly unhealthy life choices myself and some of the people around me were making, the one glimmer of hope was found in yoga.

One day after feeling particularly shitty, considering ending it all, in one last ditch attempt at life, I went for a walk, didn’t know where I was going, I certainly had no motive or purpose but I stepped out anyway, and came across a girl handing out leaflets. God knows, the last thing I wanted was to make niceties with a stranger but she was so warm and inviting, and the people-pleaser in me still lurked so I took the leaflet. The word ‘yoga’ caught my eye and so I teased another eyeful. I noticed that the yoga class was about a minute from my flat and so I thought “fuck it, maybe it’s a sign”… and I wasn’t wrong.

Sasha calling on spiritual guides

I joined the class, and I kept going and kept going. Something began to shift within me. All of a sudden, I was leaving work on time, not going straight to the pub with colleagues, not attending another crap Tinder date, and I was enjoying something, a healthy something at that! I was enchanted by the spiritual practices and the zen-like feeling I would experience. At the end of each session, there was a short meditation and I really fell in love with this. The sense of peace and calm and stillness, it was like learning to breathe the freshest of air. I won’t lie, it became a little bit addictive. I’ve been known to get a little obsessive and hyper focus but for once, it was a healthy choice so I went with it, hey, I am not perfect. I became fascinated with finding inner peace, energy and healing old metaphysical wounds.

Heart on chest

It led me to where I am now. I had an uncanny sense of knowing that I needed to pursue these experiences further and so within the next year, I devoted my life to upgrading, raising my vibration and becoming a Reiki Practitioner. Soon enough, it all felt so natural, the joy and fulfilment my self-development gave me was unreal - magical. But it was real.

I enlisted the help of Spiritual Mentors and worked closely with them to support my enrichment. It was my journey but for once, I was the main character, the hero of the story, the princess who was saving herself from the dragon, the all powerful Divine Goddess who was reclaiming her power.

What was more exciting was that I finally felt empowered with permission to explore my darker side. Balance is required, and the light and dark must learn to cohabit. Yin and Yang. The Sun and the Moon.

Sasha smiling in lilac dress

As I became less interested in the 3 Dimensional unhealthy pleasures, my vibration was rising and I was noticing more power swirling within me. I noticed number synchronicities, deja vu, unusual dreams and other fascinating symbols, and I realised I was able to make my own wishes come true.

It started small, with being able to manifest a text from a specific person and then before I knew it, I was manifesting tens of thousands of pounds. I now live a fulfilled, peaceful life, with a strong circle of loved ones surrounding me, my dream Partner who is supportive, loving and balances my craziness oh so well, my Divine business to further reinforce the choosing of who has access to my energy…

… and most importantly my little Frenchie, Mia.

Sasha-Louise with her divine den and Frenchie, Mia

Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to Less, and Hello Darling to More?

Let’s begin your journey to embrace the Divine within you